Saturday, February 22, 2014

Do Not Be Discouraged

Unbelievers say that to believe in God you must be narrow minded and weak minded — that rationality is stronger than faith.  But I ask:  How?  What makes the Christian mind who believe in our invisible, powerful God weaker than the "rational" mind who chooses to believe only in things you can perceive and are capable of fathoming — materials directly in front of you?  Contrary to popular belief, the Christian mind believes in both perception and faith; the "rational" mind does not accept the latter.  So, who's more narrow minded?  It takes a mental and spiritual strength to believe in and have faith in our powerful God, not the antithesis.  Anyone who believes that the human spirit does not exist is in an foolish denial — our spirit is what distinguishes us from animals.  The "soul" is synonymous to spirit, and being spiritual beings we have spiritual assets required to glorify God.  Set your mind on merely perceptible things, and you will find that your faith set on those attributes are very limited.  God is limitless — He is infinite and exists outside of time.  Completely fathoming His Being is an impossible feat, but because of His amazing grace we can still know Him because as our Father, He desires to know us and He makes that possible.  Our calling is not to understand God; our calling is to love Him, know Him, serve others through Him, and throughout our entire lives give Him glory.  The purpose of my writing all this is to encourage all fellow Christians not to be discouraged by unbelievers.  As I explain in my blog entry, The Armour of God, our enemy is Satan, not unbelievers.  Satan works through their discouragements and deceits as a means to an end; they're simply puppets to him.  But the individual person is not our ultimate enemy; the enemy is Satan.  Rational arguments with the person will bring no resolution to them — no liberating realisation to bring them to Christ, which I also explain in the aforementioned blog entry.  It's a battle of the heart and spirit, not of the mind.  To battle against the wiles Satan uses through unbelievers, practise utilising the fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23).  Dissension is not the answer.


  1. So you don't beloeve animals have souls?

    1. That's not what I said. What distinguishes us from animals is that God breathed His breath into us when He created man (Genesis 2:7), enabling us to receive the Holy Spirit and work through Him. God doesn't do this with animals.
