Saturday, February 22, 2014

Defeat Your Misery

When we're miserable, we choose to remain in that condition.  We have all the reason in the world not to be miserable, but we choose to remain that way and not do anything about it and just complain, living in the lie (although incognisant of it) that others feeding into our self-pity may resolve the issue.  Not everybody continually whines and complains, but there is a certain amount of negativity on their minds that necessitates its elimination.  Eliminate the negative and accentuate the positive.  What helps me when I'm miserable is worship.  I turn on some Christian music and play it loud and sing loudly (which I would never do in public, by the way) — I praise God's name, and there are several psalms that speak to that.  Or I'll read the Bible or a book I have on Christian doctrine.  Or I'll pray and talk with God for 20 minutes or so, sometimes less.  No matter which spiritual approach I take, I am no longer miserable.  I'm not saying these are the only approaches one should take, but just some things everyone should ruminate upon.  A "secular" approach I take, for example, is writing poetry — writing my thoughts and feelings down.  You just have to learn how to displace your negativity healthfully.  There is always a way, and whichever way, God always delivers it to you.

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